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The Ministry of Commerce said earlier that, in this year, it will select regions with remarkable achievements in pilot programs on service trade innovation and development, and upgrade and build the national service trade innovation and development demonstration zone. How about the progress?(2022-08-25)

In the past two years, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, has guided the pilot areas to focus on key tasks, continue to let innovation take the lead, explore and be a pioneer, with positive results. Up to now, more than 90% of the 122 specific measures proposed in the overall pilot program has been implemented. The State Council approved and agreed to implement five measures to adjust laws and regulations in pilot areas, involving market opening up in areas such as travel, commercial franchising, patent agency services, technology import and export, exhibition, among others, all of which have been implemented, with initial results. Twenty-eight pilot areas have explored a number of institutional innovations in improving the administration system, opening wider to the outside world, offering more convenience, innovating the development model, improving the promotion mechanism, optimizing the policy system, etc. The Office of the Inter-departmental Joint Meeting Mechanism on the Development of Trade in Services of the State Council has successively issued two groups of 33 "best practices" for promotion throughout the country.

In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, take solid steps for the completion of pilot tasks in an all-round way, summarize and promote more achievements in institutional innovation, and ensure the high-quality completion of the pilot work. On this basis, we will pay close attention to formulating and improving the overall plan of the national service trade innovation and development demonstration zone, and the establishment of such demonstration zone. Thank you.