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During the epidemic, the Ministry of Commerce set up a task force on key foreign investment projects to help foreign enterprises solve difficulties and problems. As the epidemic control enters a new stage, is there any new considerations and initiatives for the priorities of the task force in the next step?(2023-03-23)

Since its inception in April 2020, the task force for key foreign investment projects under the foreign trade and foreign investment mechanism has made every effort to ensure sound service and support to FIEs and foreign-invested projects, in line with the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. As an important channel for foreign enterprises to solve their problems, it has been widely recognized by enterprises and played a positive role in stabilizing the expectations and confidence of foreign enterprises.

In order to attract and utilize more foreign investment, according to the new situation and new requirements as China enters a new stage of epidemic prevention and control, the Task Force on Key Foreign Investment Projects has shifted its focus and enhanced its effectiveness by formulating relevant guidance documents for implementation at the sub-national level. The main content can be summarized as "four mechanisms": First, deepening the mechanism of regular communication with foreign enterprises--expand the scope of communication, enrich the form of communication, visit enterprises and invite them to come, listen and respond to the concerns of foreign enterprises in a timely and effective manner. Second, improving the mechanisms for problem collection, coordination and resolution, monitoring and early warning and rapid response--Expand the channels for raising issues, increase the efforts to solve outstanding common problems, strengthen forward-looking analysis and research, and comprehensively improve service provision capability. Third, establishing a coordination mechanism to connect regular exchanges, targeted services, and targeted investment--fully support the "Year of Investment in China" activities, promote business-matching to meet foreign investors’ interest and FDI needs of localities; bring in more landmark foreign-invested projects. Fourth, establishing a foreign investment coordination mechanism at the local level-- follow up on the "Year of Investment in China", accelerate the formation of "three lists" (projects under discussion, projects signed, projects under construction), timely adjust the list of key foreign investment projects, strengthen tracking services, and promote the early implementation of the projects.

In the next step, the task force will continue to play a coordination role and act as a bridge. It will work with various departments and localities to do researches and optimize the working mechanism, so as to provide all-weather and full-process services for foreign enterprises and projects in China and create a better investment environment. Thank you.