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China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently visited Australia and New Zealand. Could you provide any update on China’s application to join the CPTPP?(2024-03-21)

Since applying to join the CPTPP, China has conducted communication and consultations with CPTPP members according to the accession procedures. China has fully, comprehensively and thoroughly studied and assessed the content of the agreement. It has advanced policy adjustments, law amendments and legislative work in related fields with reference to CPTPP rules, and made preparations for market access offers regarding trade in goods, trade in services and investment. China is fully confident in and capable of meeting the high standards of the agreement. At the same time, to promote alignment with high-standard international economic and trade rules, we have launched reforms and pilot programs in relevant fields, and have made good progress.

In the next step, China will continue to engage deeply with CPTPP members through carious channels and at all levels in accordance with relevant procedures, and move forward with the accession process. Thank you.