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Minister Wang Wentao and Spanish Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business Carlos Cuerpo meet with Spanish business representatives

On June 3 local time, Minister Wang Wentao of Commerce and Spanish Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business Carlos Cuerpo met with Spanish business representatives in Madrid. Chinese Ambassador to Spain Yao Jing attended the meeting.

Wang said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties more than 50 years ago, bilateral trade and economic cooperation has developed steadily and achieved fruitful results, which is a successful example of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. At present, China is promoting Chinese modernization across the board with high-quality development and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces, which will provide broader market prospects for companies from Spain and other countries. Spanish companies are welcome to further explore the Chinese market, expand investment cooperation with China and share in China’s vast market opportunities.

Wang Wentao pointed out that the Chinese government is committed to fostering a first-class market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment, and encourages fair competition and cooperation for common development between domestic and foreign enterprises. MOFCOM has also set up a roundtable meeting and coordination mechanism for foreign-invested enterprises to listen to their concerns, comments and suggestions, and help address them in collaboration with relevant ministries and local governments. Spanish companies are welcome to report the difficulties and problems they encounter in China through the above-mentioned mechanism, and MOFCOM will actively help them find solutions.

Cuerpo said that China is an important strategic partner of Spain and one of the most important markets for Spanish businesses. The Spanish government is willing to work with China to strengthen communication and cooperation and help businesses on both sides turn market opportunities into real results. Spanish companies attending the meeting said that China is one of the most important investment destinations in the world, and investing in China is the best decision they have made in the past decades. They have strong confidence in China’s development prospects, stay committed to the China market, and stand ready to work with Chinese companies to explore third-party markets for mutual benefits and win-win results through greater cooperation.

(All information published on this website is authentic in Chinese. English is provided for reference only.)