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Joint Report on Statistics of China's Outbound FDI 2013 Released

The Report on Statistics of China’s Outbound FDI 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the report”), jointly released by the Ministry of Commerce, the National Bureau of Statistics and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on September 9, officially announced the statistics of China’s outbound FDI in 2013. The report is constituted by six chapters of introduction, characteristics of China’s outbound FDI, China’s FDI in main economies, components of Chinese investors, regional and industrial distribution of China’s outbound FDI investors, and comprehensive statistics.

China’s outbound FDI in 2013 took on features as follows according to the report:

Firstly, the investment outflow has hit US$100 billion for the first time. In 2013, with global investment outflow growing up 1.4% year on year at average, China’s outbound FDI amounted to a historic high of US$107.84 billion, up 22.8% year on year, ranking one of the top three investors for two years in a row.

Secondly, China’s ranking of investment stock has moved up by two positions, covering more countries and regions. By the end of 2013, 15,300 domestic investors had established 25,400 enterprises overseas to make direct investment around 184 countries and regions, with five more than that of last year. China’s combined outbound FDI (stock) totaled US$660.48 billion, going up to No.11 from No.13 among the global list.

Thirdly, except that FDI in the EU saw a dip, China’s investment in other regions maintained growth to various extents. In 2013, China made US$5.95 billion investment in the EU, down 15.4% year on year. China’s investment in Latin America, Oceania, Africa and Asia grew up 132.7%, 51.6%, 33.9% and 16.7% respectively, and investment in North America saw a slight growth of 0.4% compared with that of last year.

Fourthly, China’s investment covers various sectors of national economy with over 80% of them being from the main five industries. By the end of 2013, China’s outward FDI had covered all industries of national economy. The combined investment in leasing and business services, finance, mining, wholesale and retailing and manufacturing amounted to US$548.6 billion, accounting for 83% of China’s total outward FDI, and also over 80% of the outflow in the same year.

Fifthly, M&A covered a wide range of areas with a single transaction boasting the largest value in history. In 2013, Chinese enterprises carried out 424 M&A projects overseas with an actual value of US$52.9 billion, of which US$33.79 billion was China’s direct investment, accounting for 63.9%. US$19.11 billion was overseas financing, taking up 36.1%. M&A covered 16 industries such as mining, manufacturing and real estate. China National Offshore Oil Corporation acquired 100% share of Canada’s Nexen Group with US$14.8 billion, involving the largest amount of money among China’s M&A overseas so far.

Sixthly, outward investment made by local enterprises saw a steady growth, and non-financial investment stock made by local enterprises hit 30% for the first time. In 2013, non-financial outward FDI made by local enterprises amounted to US$36.415 billion, up 6.5% year on year, accounting for 39.3% of the national total. Guangdong province, Shandong province and Beijing took the lead. By the end of 2013, non-financial FDI made by local enterprises reached US$164.9 billion, hitting one third of the national total for the first time to 30.3%.

Seventhly, the outflow of non state-owned enterprises took up a larger percentage while that of state-owned enterprises decreased to 40%. By the end of 2013, among US$543.4 billion of non-financial FDI, state-owned enterprises took up 55.2%, and non state-owned enterprises took up 44.8%, 4.6 percentage points higher than that of last year. In 2013, the outflow of non-financial outward FDI reached US$92.74 billion, of which 43.9% was from state-owned enterprises, 42.2% was from limited liability companies, 6.2% was from joint stock limited companies, 2.2% was from joint-equity cooperative enterprises, 2% was from private enterprises, 1.3% was from foreign-invested enterprises and others accounted for 2.2%.

Eighthly, enterprises overseas saw a double digit growth of sales revenue and made great contributions to the host countries. In 2013, China’s non-financial enterprises overseas made a sales revenue of US$1.4268 trillion, up 14.5% year on year. The total value of taxation Chinese enterprises overseas (including financial enterprises) paid amounted to US$37 billion in the year, up 67% year on year. By the end of 2013, the total number of staff of Chinese enterprises overseas reached 1,967,000, of whom 967,000 were from foreign countries, accounting for 49.2%, and 102,000 were from developed countries, 13,000 more than that of last year.

(All information published on this website is authentic in Chinese. English is provided for reference only.)