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Gao Hucheng, Minister of Commerce, Released a Statement on Information Technology Agreement (ITA) Negotiations on Wider Coverage

On November 24, Gao Hucheng, Minister of Commerce,released a statement on Information Technology Agreement (ITA) Negotiations on Wider Coverage.

Gao Hucheng, Minister of Commerce, Released a Statement on Information Technology Agreement (ITA) Negotiations on Wider Coverage

Since September 2012, China has been actively participating in ITA negotiations on wider coverage. We not only coordinate with domestic industries, but also make our offers better. However, in November 21, to our surprise, U.S. A. announced to suspend the negotiations suddenly, which broke the hopes of countries, enterprises and workers who might get benefits from ITA negotiations on wider coverage.

I need to stress that, the development level of the participants are different, so it is normal that they have different interest demands for products. But U.S.A terms were far beyond the bearing capacity of China’s industry, and this is the basic reason why the negotiations have not reached agreements. China understands that U.S.A. was unwilling to make any concessions under the pressure of its industry with competitive edge. But it is unacceptable for China that U.S. A. ignored the appeals of Chinese enterprises who are in a weak position, and the huge gap of enterprises competitiveness between the two countries.

Through China’s better offer, products supported by main participants including China has reached 200, involving USD 2.77 trillion of global trade. It is hard-won and of significant commercial value. U.S. abandoned the consensus reached by most of the countries just because a few products of its individual industries were unsatisfied. It is irresponsible for U.S. A. to ignore the efforts made by all the participants including China.

Even though, China believes that the negotiations has not yet come to a blind alley. All the participants should make joint efforts in the right direction, finding a way out and reaching agreement as soon as possible.

(All information published on this website is authentic in Chinese. English is provided for reference only.)