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China and EU Should Solve Trade Disputes on PV Products through Consultations

The Information Office of MOFCOM held on May 9 the Press Conference of Foreign Trade Restructuring, and Mr. Yao Jian, MOFCOM spokesman, answered questions concerning the current China-EU trade disputes on PV products put up by reporters

Mr. Yao said that China and EU are important trade partners, and dialogue and consultations is the right choice to solve trade disputes on PV products. EU is the largest trading partner and the largest source of imports of China, and the two parties enjoy a wide range of economic and trade cooperation. To properly handle EU anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations against PV imports from China is of great significance to the overall situation of bilateral economic and trade relations.

Mr. Yao said that China firmly opposes trade restrictions, and will safeguard the interests of Chinese enterprises. The current trade disputes involved products worth of more than US$ 20 billion, and related to hundreds of thousands of jobs. China would not like to see the trade war, and will safeguard earnestly the interests of Chinese enterprises supposed EU to set trade restrictions on PV imports from China, and hopes EU to adopt prudent measures on it.

Mr. Yao also said that cooperation and development is the only way for our two parties to gain mutually benefits and win-win achievements in global market including the PV industry. The two parties have close connection and cooperation in PV industrial chain, China exports of PV products to EU market has expanded, and most of China’s production equipment of PV panels and solar photovoltaic system inverters were imported from EU. Next, China will speed up the development of such new energy industries as power generation by PV installations, and will import more production equipment of PV products and new energy power generation equipment from EU, and there are huge cooperation potentials between the two parties, and we should jointly promote the development of the PV industrial chain through mutual cooperation. China and EU enjoy a wide range of cooperation. China-EU High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue has been held three sessions, and the fourth session is under communication and preparation. China and EU have carried out a wide range of cooperation in such areas as improving investment environment, opening up of markets, urbanization, new energy utilization and electric vehicle technology. As for the current trade dispute, the two parties should solve them through further consultations, so as to promote common development.

(All information published on this website is authentic in Chinese. English is provided for reference only.)