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MOFCOM Regular Press Conference (June 27, 2024)

He Yadong: Friends from the press, good afternoon. Welcome to MOFCOM regular press conference. Since I don’t have any announcement to make today, I am ready to take your questions.

The floor is open.

CGTN: The China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products (CCCME) recently said it will consider protecting its rights through legal channels against discriminatory practices in the investigation of Chinese enterprises under the EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR). What’s your comment?

He Yadong: We are highly concerned that some practices of the EU’s FSR have had a serious negative impact on Chinese enterprises’ exports to and investment in Europe, to which we have repeatedly expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition.

MOFCOM has received application materials submitted on behalf of the domestic machinery and electronic products sector concerning the EU’s barrier investigation. We are reviewing the materials submitted by CCCME and will release relevant information in a timely manner. Thank you.

21st Century Business Herald: We have learned that MOFCOM and Guangxi will co-host the local CIIE roadshow. Could you brief us on that?

He Yadong: The CIIE has been successfully held for six sessions, turning exhibits to goods and exhibitors to investors and generating positive spillovers. This year, MOFCOM continues with the local CIIE roadshow and the Invest in China initiative to attract international investors to choose and take root in China and share in the dividends of China’s opening up.

From July 3 to 5 this year, MOFCOM and the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will co-host the local CIIE roadshow in Guangxi under the theme of “further attracting investment for dual circulation”. The roadshow will take into account Guangxi’s unique advantages in location, industries and ethnic culture and invite exhibitors, investment promotion agencies and multinational companies in a targeted manner. In the meantime, various events will be held such as investment promotions and matchmaking meetings for key industries with a view to helping Guangxi opening up wider to the domestic and international market.

Relevant work is moving forward in an orderly manner. Please stay tuned. Thank you.

Yicai: Canada’s Ministry of Finance announced on its official website this week that on July 2, 2024, Canada will launch a 30-day consultation on potential policies, including raising tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China, to protect its auto workers and EV industry. What is MOFCOM’s response?

He Yadong: We’ve noted Canada’s announcement to launch a consultation on imposing measures on EVs imported from China on July 2, which China is highly concerned with.

The growth of China’s EV industry is the result of opening up and competition, and the continuous promotion of technological innovation, improvement of China’s supply chain system, as well as optimization of the market ecology. Chinese EVs have been welcomed by global users, including Canadian consumers, and have made great contribution to the global response to climate change and green transformation.

Canada has long claimed to support free trade and is a beneficiary of the multilateral trading system underpinned by WTO rules. We urge Canada to respect facts, abide by WTO rules and create a fair and non-discriminatory market environment for the joint development of the EV industry in China and Canada. We urge Canada not to practice protectionism in the name of fair competition. China will pay close attention to the follow-up actions of Canada and firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises. Thank you.

Nanfang Metropolis Daily: We’ve noted that the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council, based on the proposal of MOFCOM, decided to continue to impose anti-dumping duties on imported styrene originating in the Republic of Korea, China’s Taiwan region and the United States starting from June 23, with an implementation period of 5 years. Can you give us more details?

He Yadong: On June 21, 2023, in response to the application of the styrene industry in the mainland of China, MOFCOM decided to conduct a final review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imported styrene originating in the Republic of Korea, China’s Taiwan region and the United States in accordance with law. MOFCOM ruled that if anti-dumping measures are terminated, dumping and damage may continue or recur, and decided to continue to impose anti-dumping measures for five years starting from June 23, 2024.

During the process, MOFCOM conducted the investigation in strict accordance with laws and regulations and relevant WTO rules, protected the rights of all parties in accordance with law and given all parties sufficient opportunities to submit information and make comments. The decision is made in an objective, fair and impartial fashion after careful examination of the evidence materials. Thank you.

MRI: As MOFCOM will start consultations with the EU on the BEV anti-subsidy investigation, there are predictions that the problem could be addressed by minimum prices and import volume restrictions, like what the two sides did with the PV dispute in 2013. Do you think that will be the future course of negotiation?

He Yadong: China has expressed its grave concern and firm opposition with regard to the EU’s anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese EVs for many times. China has been calling for proper settlement of trade frictions through dialogue and consultation. On June 22, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and Executive Vice President and Trade Commissioner of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis had video talks at the request of the latter. The two sides agreed to start consultations on the EU's anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles originating from China. The working teams from both sides are in close contact, pressing ahead with the consultations.

China-EU cooperation is in essence complementary and mutually beneficial. The two sides have broad space for cooperation in green transition. It is hoped that the EU meets with China halfway for swift progress in the consultations and mutually acceptable solutions for both sides, to avoid adverse impact of escalating trade frictions on China-EU trade and economic cooperation. Thank you.

Reuters: Some Chinese media have reported that China hopes to see the EU cancel its planned provisional tariffs on Chinese BEVs before July 4. What actions will China take if the EU continues with the tariffs?

He Yadong: I just answered a question about the China-EU consultations on the BEV anti-subsidy investigation. The two working teams are pressing ahead with the consultations for mutually acceptable solutions to the two sides’ reasonable concerns. Thank you.

(All information published on this website is authentic in Chinese. English is provided for reference only.)