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MOFCOM Spokesperson comments on USDOC putting 28 Chinese entities on list

Q: On October 7, USDOC sanctioned 28 Chinese entities by putting them on the “entities list”. What’s your comment?

A: We noted that 28 Chinese entities have been put on the “entities list” by USDOC and we will closely follow the updates. The US has repeatedly imposed unilateral sanctions on Chinese entities in accordance with its domestic law. This time, it put 28 Chinese local governmental agencies and enterprises on the “entities list” under the pretext of human rights, and took the opportunity to smear China’s policies in governing Xinjiang. Such brutal interference of China’ internal affairs is strongly opposed and condemned by China.

Xinjiang affairs are purely China’s internal affairs and bear on China’s sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. Regarding the question of Xinjiang, it is the Chinese government and Chinese people that are best positioned to have a say. No country or external forces are allowed to interfere. It is proved that China’s policies and measures to govern Xinjiang have won the support of people of all ethnicities and scored remarkable success. Currently, Xinjiang is witnessing sound economic growth, harmony among different ethnic groups and social stability. Terrorist attacks have been avoided in the past three years. This is self-evident.

We strongly urge the US to stop pointing fingers on Xinjiang-related affairs, halt the wrong practice of interfering China’s internal affairs, and remove the Chinese entities from the list as soon as possible. China will take all necessary measures to defend our interests.