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Spokesman of Ministry of Commerce Answers Questions on the Australian Government's 5G Security Guidance

Media: We have noticed that the Australian government has recently released the 5G Security Guidance to Australian Carriers. What is your comment, spokesman?

Spokesman: On August 23, the Australian government issued the 5G security guidance to Australian telecom carriers. China expressed grave concern. The wrong decision made by Australian government will have a negative impact on the commercial interests of both Chinese and Australian companies. The Chinese government encourages enterprises to conduct foreign economic and trade cooperation in accordance with market principles and international rules. It is hoped that the Australian government will uphold the principles of fairness, justness and openness to create a sound business environment for Chinese companies to conduct business in Australia. The Australian government should proceed from the overall situation of bilateral economic and trade cooperation instead of easily interfering with and restricting the normal business activities of the Chinese enterprises under the excuse of national security.